It is time again to congratulate several members of our extended store “family” who have completed an academic milestone! Of course we are excited to see where they go, and what they do next, but we can confidently say their future will include plenty of good books.
Kara has actually already finished her high school curriculum and is attending Cerro Coso classes, but graduation ceremonies this week at Palisade High School will make it official. She shelves for us, and is also a talented artist and self taught computer web page designer. The coming year will be one for making decisions on what comes next, but we are glad she is working on our shelves in the meanwhile!

Celica worked for us more than a year shelving and scooping ice cream until last summer. She entertained dozens of kids at our various events, and entertains all ages in church and in the

community with her beautiful voice and musical talents. Be sure to listen for her at the BUHS graduation! I am sure her future studies will include music too.
Our bookseller Susan’s daughter, Ivy, will also be donning the cap and gown on Friday night, in preparation for her next academic chapter at Chico State. Nothing like the baby of the family graduating to stir up the emotions, but we know Ivy has much to look forward to, and mom has visiting her at her own alma mater to look forward to as well!

We also want to extend congratulations to our shelver Ella who just completed 8th grade at Round Valley and moves on to the fun times at Bishop Union next year.

And we can’t forget our super energetic ice cream scooper and shelver
of last summer, Erin Barnes, who just completed nursing school! Rumor has it she was top of her class too. Good luck in your career Erin!
Lastly, we congratulate all of the graduates throughout the Eastern Sierra. We are glad to be here to help with your assigned reading and research, but most especially for your pleasure reading! If your plans include college, it is a hard time to get recreational reading done, but please don’t lose the habit, it will enrich your life in so many ways. Whatever your do in the years to come, we hope you continue to study, research and ponder, and as my dear friend the artist Robert Miller said, create something every day. All the best to you grads!